Heritage 3: Kennedy Family Stories
Oscar Willie Kennedy, Jr lived a good life. He was born in Richmond, VA 85 years ago. He passed away November 10th, 2020. He graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School in 1953 and from Virginia Tech in 1957. During his career he exported livestock, working for the Virginia Department of Agriculture, Holstein-Friesian Association of America in Brattleboro, Vermont and later becoming one of the four founders of American Marketing Services International Incorporated in Richmond.
Oscar and Betty's 3 kids are Will Kennedy, Jan Ernst and the late Zach Kennedy. Their 3 grandsons are Grayson (Kat), Forrest and Josh (Joanna).
Pictured, left to right, (front) Will, Oscar and Debbie Kennedy, (back) Kat, Grayson, Joanna, Tim and Josh Ernst and Betty Kennedy.
Not pictured: Forrest Ernst.
Photographer: Jan Ernst.