Episode 310: Lindsay Gilman turns 21
In Episode 181, Paul interviewed his son Zach after he had turned 21 and now it is daughter Lindsay’s turn! The whole family was together to talk to Lindsay and Lisa started by telling us about the day that Lindsay was born. It involved a trip to Target, Lisa’s Mom telling her something when she got home and then a decision to go to the hospital. Lindsay being born that day (at 8:47pm) meant she had the same birthday as Lisa’s grandmother. Paul and Lisa talked about some early memories of Lindsay and a common theme was her ability to climb at a very young age. Lindsay talked about her earliest memory and Lindsay and Zach both talked about Paul being deployed when they were little. Lindsay talked about some of her early childhood passions which included Dora the Explorer, being a voracious reader, memorizing the presidents and becoming obsessed with the Beatles. Mel spoke about her first memory … it involved painting and how she wanted to be like her big sister. They talked about family and how Lindsay is particularly fascinated with the Sicilian heritage of one of her grandparents. Zach told us about one of his favorite memories and how Lindsay showed off her throwing arm when they were at a friend’s house. Lindsay is studying History at Randolph Macon and they discussed what her plans may be after college. We learned what nicknames she has had and still has and when asked for her final thought on turning 21, Lindsay said she is just Happy to be 21 and legal. They all wished her a Happy Birthday and said that they loved her! Happy Birthday Lindsay!!