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Episode 282: John Hollis discusses Sergeant Rodney Davis

John Hollis comes back to the podcast for the second time to talk about a book he wrote about SSG Rodney Davis. The Making of a Hero is a book about the actions of one man in one of the bloodiest and deadliest battles in the Vietnam War. John’s book focused on SSG Rodney Davis and how his act of heroism saved several lives. John talked about where Rodney came from and why he joined the United States Marine Corps. John told the story about the battle, about Rodney and how his selfless act of sacrifice surprised a lot of people once the details became public. Paul learned about what John had to go through to research his book and the incredible people he knows who helped him. They also discussed an upcoming trip that John will be taking to Vietnam with a group including SSG Davis’ daughter Nikki Davis. The story of SSG Davis is incredible and the book has received much acclaim for telling the story of such an amazing man.

Stories From the Center of the Universe™ 2021