Episode Cover

Episode 240: Mike Henry

Mike Henry is most well known for being a voice actor on the Family Guy series and The Cleveland Show. He has voiced many characters and is an actor, comedian, writer and producer. Mike was born in Michigan, but grew up in the Richmond, VA area. He talked about his time and lessons learned at The Collegiate School and at Washington & Lee University as well as the unique nickname his class at W&L had being the last all male class to graduate from there. They discussed his one year at the Martin Agency and then how he took a chance and moved to California. They talked about his journey over the next eight or so years until he got the role on Family Guy. They finished by talking about his advice to young people, some other thoughts of his, current projects he’s working on and his family … son Jack, daughter Josie and wife Sara.

Stories From the Center of the Universeâ„¢ 2021